February 2016 // ARTnews Review / Book launch Swiss Institute New York
Curries, Stews, and an Abramovic Aphrodisiac
Admir Jahic and Comenius Roethlisberger Discuss Their Book of Artists’ Recipes
A few weeks ago, the Swiss Institute finally managed to buy grasshoppers for an upcoming event. The following night, the New York institution was going to host the United States book launch of Swiss artists Admir Jahic and Comenius Roethlisberger’s Artists’ Recipes, and the grasshoppers were needed to make Pedro Reyes’s burger, which the artist dubs “The Grasswhopper.” Alison Coplan, the assistant curator at the Swiss Institute, was tasked with finding the six-legged critters—she tried buying them online, but that failed, so she purchased them from a Mexican restaurant. (She asked me not to name which.) With the grasshoppers finally secured, the Jahic and Roethlisberger duo was happy.
Full article here: www.artnews.com